Explore our full library of resources, toolkits and information to help you implement good employment practices against the Developing People pledge.
Discover skills, training and career support in the West of England to help you get to where you want to be.
The BeOnBoard programme supports businesses and organisations to improve the diversity of their governing bodies and boards.
Bath Spa University's mentoring scheme aims to help their students bridge the gap between university and employment.
ACAS can help you with developing and improving your Equality and Diversity policies and procedures.
The HR Dept Bristol, Bath and North Somerset provides businesses with tailored and personal outsourced HR and Health and Safety services.
Centre for Capacity Building & Enterprise Development (CCBED) is a Bristol-based social enterprise organisation that helps people to increase their skills and develop their careers through mentoring and training courses that end-up building the learner’s confidence, knowledge and business potential.
Business in the Community (BITC) defines a responsible business as a healthy business and offer a series of resources to help you make the pledge.
BITC's toolkit sets out how business can take a strategic approach to recognising and developing essential skills using the Skills Builder Universal Framework.
Employers should do all they reasonably can to create an environment and recruitment process where people feel safe and comfortable to talk about disability.
Discover skills, training and career support in the West of England to help your employees find their next step with Skills Connect. Or, read on to discover our collection of training courses.
Serco Employment Skills and Enterprise - Skills Support for the Workforce helps businesses to upskill their employees with training courses and qualifications to grow their business and boost the local economy.
HR Champions provide first class HR and Employment Law support and advice to UK businesses; operationally and strategically.
Business in the Community (BITC) defines a responsible business as a healthy business. It is one that puts creating healthy communities and a healthy environment at the centre of its strategy to achieve long-term value. The Responsible Business Map guides members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Become a confident, credible and competent manager with management and career coaching and consultancy services delivered by Mayler Management Coaching. For the middle layer of management, including team leaders and supervisors – as well as owner managers.
Find Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from Harvard, MIT, Microsoft and other top universities and institutions in subjects like computer science, data science, business and more.
Hewlett Rand tailor in-house business development skills training programmes, which include key principles, tools and skills to achieve greater success in a variety of areas.
Enterprise Nation have partnered with Salesforce to offer small businesses the sales skills needed to succeed. Delivered by a network of expert trainers via e-learning, online events and coaching.
SETsquared Bath offer workspace, business acceleration and training.
Business West is a not-for-profit company which offers business support to start-up and growing businesses. A key partner of the West of England Combined Authority, they offer a plethora of support to help you make the pledge.