Explore our full library of resources, toolkits and information to help you implement good employment practices against the Flexible Work pledge.
A checklist for returning to work. A Working Families resource.
This checklist is intended to highlight some of the key considerations and activities to make sure members of your team are well supported and managed during pregnancy, maternity leave, adoption leave and shared parental leave. A Working Families resource.
A guide for leading flexible, hybrid and high-performing teams and designing a set of protocols best suited to your organisation. A Working Families resource.
This toolkit will help you use flexible and hybrid working to widen your pool of suitable candidates and attract talented people who might not otherwise have considered working for you. A Working Families resource.
Download this guide for ten steps to create a successful flexible team. A Working Families resource.
Top tips for effective communication when working remotely. A Working Families resource.
A weekly guide to maternity rights and benefits during pregnancy. A Working Families resource.
Business in the Community (BITC)'s Responsible Business Map guides members on a journey of continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Listen to Stribe's webinar and learn how to develop an agile workforce - the key to amazing employee engagement.
Timewise provides flexible working consultancy; helping employers design innovative solutions that attract talented, loyal people and create fair workplaces.
Living Wage presents Living Hours; providing security of hours alongside a real living wage.
Working Families provide free legal advice to parents and carers on their rights at work. They give employers the tools they need to support their employees while creating a flexible, high-performing workforce.